
Showing posts from April, 2017

These Days Are For The Christian To Get Busy Knowing Truth!

Most people scoff at me when I speak to them about what dominates my thoughts in this age.  They awkwardly change the subject when I point to the clouds and explain that the hazy conditions and long trails of what they call “ condensation ” (chemtrails) are MANMADE and the Military Industrial Complex is involved in a secret, and all-encompassing effort to control the weather by spraying heavy metal nano-particles (only God and they know what else) into the atmosphere blocking out the sun’s life-giving rays.  And although I’ve spent countless hours studying such things, people ridicule me.  They look at me sideways and squirm when I show them a weather map with Doppler Radar images clearly demonstrating the MIC’s HAARP activity in which “pinwheel” lines and concentric circles show unnaturally within the greens and blues of visible precipitation giving away their clandestine activity of using billions of watts of electromagnetic energy heating up the ionosphere thereby steering an