These Days Are For The Christian To Get Busy Knowing Truth!
Most people scoff at me when I speak to them about what
dominates my thoughts in this age. They
awkwardly change the subject when I point to the clouds and explain that the
hazy conditions and long trails of what they call “condensation” (chemtrails) are MANMADE and the Military Industrial Complex is involved in a secret, and all-encompassing
effort to control the weather by spraying heavy metal nano-particles (only God
and they know what else) into the atmosphere blocking out the sun’s life-giving
And although I’ve spent countless hours studying such things,
people ridicule me. They look at me
sideways and squirm when I show them a weather map with Doppler Radar images
clearly demonstrating the MIC’s HAARP
activity in which “pinwheel” lines and concentric circles show unnaturally
within the greens and blues of visible precipitation giving away their
clandestine activity of using billions of watts of electromagnetic energy
heating up the ionosphere thereby steering and stalling weather fronts
and manipulating the jet stream. (Check
out what’s happening with the weather all over the globe)
They don’t allow anyone to tell them that the world is ultimately
controlled by evil principalities
who manipulate the collective worldview in ruling by deception using the vast wealth which they have accumulated
illegally by the unconstitutional taxing of wages (income tax is an unfair tax
on intangible
labor and is against the
constitution) and declarations of war in which they profit immensely from both sides of the battle. Don’t take my
word for any of this, look it up for yourself, if you dare.
They seem quite un-interested when I tell them that all of
the money that the government uses is loaned
to them at interest by a PRIVATE central bank surreptitiously named the Federal Reserve.
It seems that most people I encounter want to stay in the tiny
space that they carved out in this world, believing lies and mindlessly
following the distractions and propaganda that comes into their living rooms to
the extent that they believe that it’s now acceptable for a male to use the
female restroom if he/she/it choses to do so on a certain day and that it is
the duty of every good citizen to pander to the insane whims of vile perverts.
Most people today would argue against a businessman’s right to refuse to bake a
“wedding cake” for a pair of sodomites. And
don’t you speak any of your mind about it either!
The people gladly pay a large monthly fee gaining high-definition,
big screen access into which they will subconsciously stare, absorbing like a
sponge, every paid commercial advertisement and fake news propaganda piece
(like the most current fake excuse to bomb the middle east) promoting whatever
product or idea necessary, washing the population’s minds in every form of
lewd, unscrupulous, vile and disgusting situation calling it “comedy”, all the while producing a
citizenry of dumbed down, perverted, mind-controlled, programmed, desensitized servants
who won’t dare suggest an independent thought nor question anything they are
told vis-a-vie the final authority (MSN news) always using carefully chosen
words in public conversation for fear of offending
a pervert or illegal alien or transgender or communist.
While this has been going on in their homes, directly over
their heads (had they at any time cared to lift them up and question), toxic
elements are continually falling from the clear blue sky into the earth and sea
and are POISONING the whole planet causing the flora and fauna to PERISH, EXITIING
by the millions and billions. They will
never hear any of that coming from the speakers of their giant screens at night
because the PTB know that this would interfere with their current worldview
that everything is well and there is someone now who cares about them and the
country is going to be “great again”.
Most people won’t wake up until their comfy world is clearly
affected and they have no choice but to do so yet by that time, it will be too
late. I fear that the time is now
here. The “tipping point” AKA…TOO LATE. Mankind cannot interfere
with something so carefully balanced as the global climate and its localized,
subtle nuances and expect to emerge unscathed. Add to that the geopolitical
turmoil and one needn’t be an MIT mathematician to add it all up to a quick end
for this age. And the people sat and gaped at whatever new trash that poured
out of their plasma TVs.
Millions and billions of animals are dying all over the
world (
but does the mainstream media show any of that?
NO. But one can still learn about
these things for the time being in
that the entire internet hasn’t been censored…yet. One can still find fragments of truth; enough
in fact to change their worldview, that is, if one were inclined to do so.
“What can I do about it?” is the question most ask. “LEARN TRUTH”, is what I tell them. A large part of their conditioning is to
produce apathy toward current world events and the resolution that nothing can
be done. That may be true but there is
something the individual can do; … no, MUST
do if they care anything at all for truth in general and that is to call on God
to show you Absolute Truth and if you don’t already know, that Absolute Truth can
be found in no other place in this world than in The Person of Jesus Christ.
Get a [stack of] King James Bibles from the Dollar Tree,
(one for upstairs, one for downstairs and some to give away; leave a few on the
shelf for others though) and if you have never looked for yourself but have
believed what parents, teachers, friends and co-workers have told you all these
years about what the bible really is, open one of those bibles to the book of ROMANS and READ. Let’s face it; you have never done an honest
investigation into this matter and if there was ever a time to know, that time
is NOW.
Ask God for His assistance in understanding what you are
reading. The King James Bible is the
only version that has not been
corrupted (this is an entire study in itself but for now, TRUST ME, I’ve already
done the study) and it is not at all hard to understand! People are intimidated by what they perceive to
be outdated or archaic English but it is precise
and not difficult to read, in fact, it’s quite enjoyable. It is God’s written
word for us today and it is more than
Learn about God’s plan for your redemption. Keep reading and find someone who understands
these things to talk to you about what you are reading. When
you understand that Jesus Christ shed
His Precious Blood for our redemption from sin and consequential death, you
will be SORRY for your sins (all
have sinned) and immediately CONFESS those sins.
When that happens, (and ONLY
when that happens) you will be BORN AGAIN
spiritually. You will have eyes to see
and ears to hear and you will spend your life searching for the Truth of God
(John 14:6) and your place in this world.
You will spot lies and deception wherever it arises and you will want to
tell others about it. You’ll automatically memorize scripture now because you
only use ONE source. You will be interested in telling others this
wonderful thing that God has done for you but brace yourself: They
won’t want to know.
You must tell whoever is willing to listen. It is our responsibility as born again Christians
to know the truth about the deception we are all living under ESPECIALLY in
this age! God put us in these times
for a REASON. Does anyone think that
they are alive in these times by ACCIDENT and that it doesn’t matter what we
think, do, or understand in this age?
Get a YouTube channel and try to broadcast TRUTH and most of all, STUDY
to shew thyself approved unto God; a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth. 2
Timothy 2:15
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