A Crash Course On Truth: Debunking the post-modern UFO phenomenon

The following was written earlier in an email as a guide and sent to someone who needed a crash course on TRUTH…so, I’ll call this…

The continual report of curious UFO sightings is repetitive soft disclosure of the alleged extraterrestrial intelligence which has been gaining momentum since the late 40's with the Roswell NM UFO "crash" and is the brain child of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC).  Their agenda is to HIDE the Truth through deception and lies and they have been involved in this world-wide obfuscation of truth for centuries in order to create a new world order and a global government eventually deceiving the world into worship of the antichrist.  Here are the steps they have been taking (roughly and) somewhat in chronological order.

1.)   Create an "enlightened" society of intellectuals who disbelieve in The Creator and God Jesus Christ by proliferating the theory of evolution.
        a.)   remove prayer from public school, teaching evolution and forbidding the biblical account of Creation
        b.)   promote Eastern mystic pagan religions, studying their cultures and inviting their practices
        c.)   create a system of ridicule of those who believe in God

2.)   Hijack the media for the freedom to create a national psyche based on atheism, self-centered greed and isolationism.
        a.)   create the self-image of the masses by promoting intense desire for superficial beauty based on youth and riches reducing sexual mores and destroying the structure of family
        b.)   keep young people occupied by introducing new technology in the form of games and in devices and incorporating the reduction of morals continually desensitizing the conscience of the people

3.)   Take over the governments of the world by power derived from wealth especially in the west fomenting wars, profiting from both sides and keeping the world in turmoil fearing wars.
        a.)   Keep high technology secret through compartmentalization, releasing it gradually at predetermined intervals
        b.)   Continually tax the income of "citizens" through the graduated income tax system: unconstitutional Internal Revenue Service (taxation of labor is illegal; it is a tax levied on intangible assets, i.e. labor.)
        c.)  Maintain a private CENTRAL BANK into and out of which all global assets will flow.
        d.)  Set up a currency for energy exchange - the petro-dollar upon which the global economy will rest.

4.)  Work with the power structures of the world toward ultimate deception using the technology hidden by the MIC
        a.)   Spray nano particles of heavy metals (aluminum, barium, strontium) into the ionosphere (serving multiple purposes, being capable of transforming the sky into a giant plasma TV screen with the ability to project images directly into the sky
        b.)   Divide the people into factions, increasing the stress between the factions into hatred within the last free (armed) country - the United States causing local riots and using the media to spin the truth into propaganda and perpetrating false flag attacks whenever necessary, pulling the heartstrings of the deceived.  Use false flag attacks to kill and injure people with the ultimate goal of gun control leading to the elimination of the second amendment
        c.)   Wait for the appropriate time for HARD disclosure of alleged UFO contact, perhaps their taking responsibility for creating mankind or “seeding” the planet (happening directly after the Rapture; keep reading)

90% of the population of the western world believes in UFO's and ET's yet 50% of that same demographic doesn't believe in God.  Of those 50%, less than 10% have ever read the bible to investigate it for themselves to see if there is any truth in it and of those 10%, only 2% read the bible on a regular basis (twice a week or more).  Of all the people that say they believe in God MOST don't know Who He is or that He is Jesus Christ The Son and God The Father with The Holy Spirit; most believe that God could be anything, or everything - even matter itself.

If you want to know truth, you MUST understand that God The Creator sent His Only Begotten Son (God in the Flesh of a man; see 1 Timothy 3:16) to die and shed His Blood for everyone who would simply BELIEVE but most don't believe because they have believed instead what the world has taught them.  The world acknowledges that Jesus Christ existed but they DENY His Deity and the greatest TRUTH in the history of mankind, that He ROSE FROM THE GRAVE AND ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN AND IS COMING BACK IN THE SAME MANNER IN WHICH HE ROSE (see Acts 1:9-11)

We are at the point in history in which the King James Bible (all other "versions" are PERVERSIONS, a study in its own) speaks throughout prophetically and is known as the last days.  This is a fact and if you don't know Jesus Christ by having investigated this Truth for yourself, you will very soon be amazed to hear that millions of people (including ALL infants and mostly all small children) the world over have VANISHED.

Upon news of this event, the world will be in confusion, not knowing what has happened.  They will think about the "Rapture" but will quickly dismiss this as such because most understand the Rapture to be a Christian event yet many "good Christians" won’t be taken including, Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, many "mega church" pastors the world over, even the Pope wasn't taken so this won’t be seen as any "Rapture" yet that will be PRECISELY what has happened.  (one can only understand what a true Christian is by reading and studying the Bible) 

A man will step up and announce that he knows where all these people have gone and that we were taken (abducted) by the "Galactic Federation" (or some other ET intelligence - the Pleiadeans, take your pick) because of our lack of "spiritual evolution" and because we needed to be trained in the enlightenment and new age philosophy but he is a liar.  He is the antichrist. Don't believe him and don't take his mark!

(see Isaiah 24 and Revelation 8-12) You can go through all of that and worse  OR you can go to the Dollar Tree and get a King James Bible and begin to read in the book of Romans (don't try to read it cover to cover, you won't have time!) seeking to know the truth and if you are sincere, God will SHOW you the truth.  You will experience Him as He takes up residence in your spirit making you BORN AGAIN. You will hate your sins and repent of them.  Once you are born again, you should tell others (most will scoff and ridicule you and you will likely lose all your friends even some family) and seek God with all your heart, studying His written word to know more and more truth. 

The UFO phenomenon does appear to have some basis in the reality of the bible but I believe that they are not intelligent beings from another galaxy but from another dimension.  They are interdimensional beings, or, the fallen angels of Genesis 6 and their method is one of deception because they have a leader and an agenda.  They are working AGAINST God and Jesus Christ and will be defeated by Almighty God as Prophecy explains.

We will be departing very shortly after which the world will go through such horrendous times that 2/3 of the world population will PERISH.  Don't be one of them.  God wants EVERYONE to be saved.


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