Ralph Church

I can't force my beliefs on you, I can only OFFER them. I have searched for TRUTH my entire life but didn't come to the Truth until I came to the end of MYSELF. I am a wicked and vile person whose heart is DESPERATELY wicked from sin and so is every person who has ever lived. Jeremiah 17:9 One day, I realized that there is nothing good in me and I reached out for understanding and for HELP. I needed a Savior. Jesus Christ my Creator came to me and cleansed me of my sins, past, present and future and He will do the same for you if you ask and truly desire the Truth of Life and follow wherever The Truth may lead. We all have but one life (And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:Hebrews 9:27) and I gave mine to Jesus Christ who is GOD. He created all things that are seen and unseen (Colossians 1:16) including you and me and the mouse in your attic and EVERY galaxy that exists. He will judge the world and those unbelievers (those who don't agree that HE is God and created all things and gave His Life in the Flesh and shed His Blood for the redemption of mankind and rose from the grave and is seated at the Right Hand of The Father) whose names are not written in the Book of Life and He will cast those unbelievers into The Lake of Fire with Hell and death (Revelation 20:14-15) where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth forever and ever away from the presence of God. But to those who Love Him and have confessed their sins and have been born again, those will He give eternal life with Him and will allow them to take of the water of life freely (Revelation 22:17) I can't make you believe and neither WILL God make you believe but I can attest to you that this is one hundred percent rock solid TRUTH.  While you're here, feel free to look around.


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