Introduction for "Evolution: Fact or Fallacy?"

It is not difficult to see what is happening in our society, seemingly right before our very eyes and unless you have been living on a desert island for the last 30 years you have noticed a trend that is leading our decadent culture into the pit of moral decay.  This downward progression of morality within modern society can be traced back to a time before the dawn of the industrial revolution.  Prior to the twentieth century, and some time before, there was an abrupt change in our culture.  Mankind progressed from horseback transport to space travel within the span of only fifty years!  The very last of the horse drawn carriages in New York City disappeared circa 1920 and technology advanced during the half century proceeding to land a man on the moon.

Most never stop to consider this fact but when making comparisons between now and then it becomes apparent that something most consequential happened in the largely unchanged world during that time and it is continuing to progress at an exponential rate or so it would seem.  We will begin to examine the impact this spike in general knowledge had on mankind and culture and learn that the technology that is sold to the public is decades behind the level which the Military Industrial Complex possesses and to suddenly learn what extent that technology has advanced would stagger the mind of the ordinary person.  More on that later.

Mankind moved at the speed of a horse for over 6000 years and history shows this clearly.  What happened to produce such a drastic shift in learning which would lead to present day technology?  Why had the discovery of the wheel, prior to the beginning of the 19th century, been the single biggest technological advancement in transportation made for over six millennia?  I certainly don’t claim to have the answers for this mystery but I have formed some educated opinions on the subject which I won’t go into in much detail here.  I will attempt to show where we have come from, where we are going, how our thinking has changed with the onset of the “enlightenment” of the liberal, progressive worldview and how one theory radically changed the philosophy of traditional thoughts about our origins seemingly overnight.

The more involved I become in my tenacious quest for truth, the more I find that there are secrets and agendas, hiding in plain sight; plans for the state of our union and plans for the future.  However, I am not referring to the visible, superficial plans for our economy or the chaotic geopolitical plans of the powers at the controls of our nuclear weapons however those are very real and present threats and are part of the big play being performed for us via the media in all of its forms.  The plans I refer to are they that have brought us to this point in time, scratching our heads, wondering how our society could have ever arrived in such a state of apathy toward truth.  I believe these plans are those of the principalities and powers; the rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places.

And although it may be difficult to get a clear picture of how we got here, it is not difficult to imagine where we are heading from here.  It is the goal of this manuscript to spark a genuine curiosity of the things that are now, and the reality of the deception that has been controlling us since we were first able to understand anything at all.  I shall focus my attention on exposing what I believe to be the very starting point of this new, Godless, postmodern society – Darwinism.

This writing is not at all neutral toward the subject which it will begin to examine but holds fast to one particular view contrary to the modern evolutionary paradigm - the biblical creation narrative.  It would be futile for me to attempt to maintain an unbiased opinion on this subject.  The fact that I am ever so immersed in it both by a personal, driving interest and by the years of study I have done myself on the subject has created in me a passion to present these thoughts to as many as will listen.

 I will not attempt to sit quietly, a non-partisan bystander, as I convey the most recent information on this subject but I will oft voice my opinion on the matter, sometimes in a positive way, others in what many would consider an offensive or sarcastic way; however, I will communicate in whatever way necessary to clearly transfer critical points of the topic at hand and will always present the facts in a logical way, calling upon the gifts God has bestowed upon me by utilizing the learning and skills He has enabled me to accumulate over the years.

I am not a biologist; nor a chemist or any other type of scientist.  I have had several college courses in varied disciplines of science and have learned much more by my own personal study however, as it relates to biology, I am far from understanding, in fact, incapable of knowing all that science has learned. Nevertheless, by learning what science teaches about such topics, I have come to understand what science DOESN’T know.  Not that I claim to know what science is attempting to learn about the secrets of life, or even that I have great knowledge of any particular science as a whole, no, I have learned that science has very definite limits to the knowledge of such things and it is those limits which I intend to shed positive light upon to present the evidence against the current worldview held by science and academia and to demonstrate the fact that adhering to the Darwinian theory of origins requires a great deal of blind faith.

I stand not against science; I am fascinated by it; but I do stand against the agenda that science typically and currently defends despite all the logic and evidence against it.  I am opposed to the deception that most scientists will use to defend their worldview of “everything from nothing” and although I don’t claim to be nearly as intelligent as any of them or better in any way, I intend to show to the best of my ability what they have been hiding.  I am just an ordinary, free-thinking, God-fearing man who uses the capability of critical thought and foresight to see beyond the deception and rhetoric of the current condition of the deceptive nature of this world and who has the courage and desire to defend the truth and expose the lies that most people now believe are reality.

I am going to try to persuade you by applying a bit of thought to a particular item of interest.  For starters, try answering this question for yourself:  Why would a theory with so little evidence supporting it and a plethora of evidence against it, continue to be used as the explanation for something which holds such vast significance in the life of each individual and to whose primary importance very little else in this life compares – where did we come from?  It is from this point that each of us must make a careful decision; It cannot be both although modern, liberal theology says otherwise. This should give thoughtful pause to all yet the evolutionist attests that life is meaningless; void of any consequence - any eternal significance, that is. Most would never admit to such a negative philosophy but according to the Darwinist, we’re just a cosmic twinkle of dull light that flickers for a few moments and is gone without a trace; back to the base elements from which we suddenly and mysteriously erupted.

Every social and moral problem of our day can be traced back to the modern belief that the known universe in which we live and which surrounds us came into being of and by itself; a random, chance occurrence in which nothing condensed for millions of billions of years into a tiny pinhead of energy which, for reasons unexplained, suddenly burst into an immensely hot ball of hydrogen gas which exploded out into all directions, creating stars, galaxies, solar systems and planets, expanding even to this day and over time has made, from the basic chemicals, a random library of life.  This “everything from nothing” occurrence is called “The Big Bang” and it exploded in the minds of liberal intelligentsia around the turn of the twentieth century. A degree in physics is not required to cast certain doubt on such an occurrence simply be observing the universe as it is.  For example, if something explodes outward in all directions, where does the angular momentum come from which would be necessary for the formation of ANYTHING that spins yet alone all the matter we see gazing up at the galaxy on a clear night (the more curious note that some bodies spin in the opposite direction!).  You see, something must have directed all that outward energy for anything at all to have formed in our universe.  But it gets much more complicated as we learn more about the claims of Darwinism’s’ “The Blind Watchmaker” as Richard Dawkins casually states.

This “big bang cosmology” gave rise to a different sort of origin for all of everything that can be seen and invited skeptics to advance their thinking onto the world and promote it in such way as to conform everything in society to it.  Such was the man who presented the world with the theory of evolution; a theory now tired and worn; an illogical and feeble attempt to give reason for and to birth an idea which at the time, would effectively begin to change world history dramatically for the worse, ever forming the hearts and minds of young people into such a state that gives license to maim and kill others, themselves, even/especially the unborn. 

Why the idea became so ubiquitous so suddenly is something that greater minds than my own cannot answer yet it’s presence is the explanation for the culture of death that has been festering within the entire human psyche just below the conscious level.  It’s nothing new, no, there is nothing new under the sun. It has been the presence in civilizations throughout history but has now come in under a different name.  It is an EXCUSE for behavior that has provided for the reversal from what is wrong, to what is right and good.  The idea is changing our laws being legislated from the bench by our governors and lawmakers and ordinances that once stood for centuries for the defense of morality, by the stroke of a pen are now falling like shattered glass from a window pane.

The culture that was based on the biblical model, whether its current leaders are willing to admit the fact or not -- the United States of America, was founded on biblical principles as were its colleges and universities and what is left of the first ever experiment of its kind – a self-governing republic, is now a pitiful shadow of what it was [intended] to be.  The overtones of Christianity in this country from the formation of the republic were visible at the surface but what was being designed underneath at the same time was the “deep state’s” real agenda – a secret agenda that only the select few “founders” were ever to understand.  The plan is now fully implemented as are the “powers that be” who control it and the true reason for the foundation of this country is soon to be revealed.  But understanding it is a complex task and the truth of deception has many layers.  It exists in a secret underworld and most are not at all aware of its existence.  Those whose curiosity is piqued by their art, Gothic structures, obelisks and esoteric bas relief sculpture hidden in plain sight in their cities and have thoughts about learning of it are restricted by peer pressure and fear of being labeled a “tinfoil hat wearer” or wacko conspiracy theorist. As G. W. Bush said to the world shortly after the 9/11 mass murder, “we mustn’t allow ourselves to entertain any crazy conspiracy theories,” meaning that we should all follow the script without applying any of our critical thinking. 

All of the deception in this world is well hidden as the painted surface goes about daily with their pleasurable, distraction not realizing how they’re being controlled. The deception itself as a whole is finely interwoven and once one “dives in” if you will, to discover the truth underneath, the reaction of stunning amazement comes from understanding the DEPTH to which this deception descends into a pit that seemingly has no bottom. It is not difficult to stray from the topic at hand when there are so many unanswered questions, and although I will expose a bit of the deep state and military industrial complex secret activities in this writing, I will focus on the impossibility of the theory that all of science has embraced which has spread like a cancer through the minds of our children who are never permitted their rightful access to the truth in this age.

No person or thing has been exempt from the philosophy of evolution and it has left countless innocent souls tortured and dead in the wake of its cruel and senseless incumbency.  Its historical dossier is now bulging with the actions of cruel and insane leaders who quickly embraced the theory and used it to its logical and potential end: torture, death and destruction in pursuit of selfish ambitions of power and riches.  This cruel and hopeless philosophy was known to be the worldview of the most famous dictators and mass murderers in history. Stalin was a Darwinist; as was Hitler, Lenin, Marx, Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge and others.  More mass murders were committed under Darwinist, communist regimes than any other in the history of the world combined. 

Nothing is of any lasting value in the life of an Evolutionist but to grab as much as he can for himself in the here and now, making the appearance of success in life, keeping a good reputation at the forefront and building as much importance, reliability and power around himself as he possibly can, leaving the biggest mark on the world as possible because when he dies, that’s it. He’s gone.  The lights go out forever. His mark may last for a while, like Darwin but that too will be gone as will everything else until that mysterious force that started the first big bang “bangs” again. 

Where a person stands on this evolutionary boundary means EVERYTHING in this life and the next. I will try to demonstrate, using the very same evidence presented by science to promote the false narrative of the evolution of animals, to show the impossibility of such an idea and how the experiments done to substantiate origins and the archeological evidence presented as proof are, in reality false and illogical representations of truth.  And although macroevolution is a philosophy that goes beyond the origin of life into the very stretching out of the cosmos, my primary focus will be on the proclaimed progression of non-living chemicals, to unicellular organisms, to the unfolding of all life forms through purely natural processes.

The current reality of our modern societies’ belief system, by predictive programming and constant bombardment of the media has become solidified in the belief of extraterrestrial, intelligent life and the populous is now anxiously awaiting hard disclosure (proof) from our military and government of the existence of life beyond our own.  This idea of our universe teeming with intelligent life has been settled in the minds of most and is awaiting confirmation.  For the last 75 years, such abundant soft disclosure (evidence) has progressed in pictures, videos, paintings, movies etc. that most people alive in this age would not be shocked by the ultimate revealing of a “genuine” ET when it was delivered to the media and shown to the world but would fall directly in line with the “truth” - believing without a doubt the entire alien agenda.

Perhaps you are beginning to understand how one goes hand in hand with the other.  Without the belief in abiogenesis (life from non-life without intelligent design) it would be impossible that any type of life formed by itself anywhere at all, on this earth or elsewhere in the universe. So, you see, belief in Darwinian evolution is critically necessary for the belief of extraterrestrials.

The script of the PTB (powers that be) is written beforehand and with a visible outline of future events.  Once a person understands this and is broken from the narrative of the principalities, they are free to investigate for themselves. However I must warn you: the rabbit hole is deep and even a quick peek inside is capable of changing your worldview and your life.  But not to worry, the change will be for the better because where there is Truth, there is freedom.

So, if you are one who is easily offended by facts or insulted by truth; if you are one who demands that everyone accept your insanity and perversion flaunting your disturbing and loathsome pride, holding up signs when you should be cowering in shame, all the while ignoring nature and logic while trying to legitimize folly for yourself and everyone else, then I will persuade you to stop and read no further.  The truth presented here will only infuriate you.  I recommend that you sort out your priorities, call on your inner man --  the part of you that God created deep inside you and then, when you’re ready, come back and read.

However, if you are one who can use the logic that was granted to you by your Creator, and you can separate the truth from the lie; if you are one who has spotted the fact that many things in this 21st century are in a terrible way and getting worse; if you are one who loves truth and who is HONEST and willing enough to follow the Truth no matter where it leads, then keep reading; I don’t presume you will come away disappointed.

The more a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.  George Orwell
We live in a “post-truth” society in which anyone can be anything they desire to be in their reality aside from any visible, physical or moral restraints at all.  Me


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