

The technology to which we have access in this age has changed the lives of every person in one way or another whether they’re aware of it or not, and has made ordinary people into video production specialists, recording artists and published authors.  Never before in the recorded history of mankind has such ability been available to so many and we are presently seeing the effect of it on our culture in many different and astounding ways.

This new technological luxury has allowed for the spread of information that was previously hidden away in obscure corners of libraries and dusty old bookstores for anyone who became interested in learning some new thing. What was previously a matter of physically making way to one of these book depositories to find information has now been made possible simply by a keystroke and a click of a mouse.  Suddenly, the average person can find whatever information he craves available in multiple media forms and in endless supply, directly from the comfort of his own home.

Much of what has been learned by those who have taken advantage of this wonderful technology is being shared over the world wide web.  One can look up topics on literally anything they would like to see however, just as with anything else, there is a right and wrong way to utilize the internet.  For those who have trained themselves to be able to see clearly the truth that has been so carefully hidden up until this age of information we find ourselves in, it is a very useful tool for learning the stunning truth that things are not at all the way they appear to be.

I don’t recall a point when I consciously made an effort to learn truth – it appears to have come to me like rain.  I do recall when first being enlightened by the fact that the Federal Reserve is neither the former nor the latter of its namesakes and I might recognize this as the starting point of my quest for the truth in all matters but as I said, it seems that I was put on auto-pilot and the world of truth began falling in my lap.  I will explain much more about Who has been most instrumental in this learning process in greater detail but for now, I must say that God has been my guide in this journey of learning and by utilizing His written word, (the King James Bible) as the final authority, I have been uncovering stunning realities recently that I hadn’t learned about in my lifetime thus wakening to the fact that I’ve lived many years in ignorance.  My lack of knowledge was not due to any preconceived truths, in other words, I was not willfully ignorant, as I now see that the majority of the world is, only naïve in understanding because these facts aren’t generally known.  When you discover them for yourself, you’ll see why.

I have utilized many websites and blogs for my research such as “Center for Scientific Creation”, Ooparts (out of place artifacts found at; Polonium Halos; Answers in Genesis; Nova; and many others including the website which allows anyone with a connection to the internet access to classic scientific publications, journals and literature in which I had accessed Charles Lyell’s Principles of Geology, a book that Darwin himself took on his journey around the world as well as Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma.  I would also like to thank Kent Hovind for his many videos about creation and dinosaurs which can be seen on many youtube channels.

I was surprised to find so many people on the internet who are dedicated to the spreading of truth when I first set out to learn about the deception of this world throughout history.  These people, many of them true, born again Christians (others, not) have aided many people by their efforts to help them come to the realization that this world is under the control of people that want to form a new world order in which they will lower world population from the current 7 billion to only one half billion; just enough to serve them and keep the new world together.

This eerie truth itself, (I don’t include it in the following chapters) can be easily found on the internet if you simply do a search of “The Georgia Guidestones”.  You are sure to find a website complete with pictures showing the monuments that were placed in Elbert County Georgia in 6 massive stone monoliths stating the agenda of the new world order in eight languages for the world to see. The very first goal of the elite clearly etched in stone, is the aforementioned depopulation program.  Look it up for yourself if you have never heard of it and see how someone or group of people decided to show the world their plans placing them in the middle of rural Georgia.  Nobody is sure who erected this modern Stonehenge but to see that it exists proves that someone, sane or not, spent a great deal of time and money spelling out the plans of those powers and principalities behind the scenes.

I don’t write about these mysteries hoping that the reader will believe what I am saying; I encourage the them most assuredly, to check these facts for themselves.  Any genuine quest for truth must be taken with a disregard for anything that is NOT truth.  It will be necessary for the reader, if indeed the truth be known, to forgo any previous conception or worldview which hinders any understanding of what is being presented here which is, in my own opinion, my best efforts to show whole cloth, the truth.

Although desiring to present only facts, I have found it necessary to insert my own opinions in places throughout this manuscript.  There are subjects that are mysterious and elude positive identifications e.g. the means by which our universe has the appearance of great age calculating the speed of light and other polemic issues which cause the scientific to clash with the biblical.  In those instances, I will present my own theory which has been manifest from a combination of other’s ideas and my own personal conclusions based on years of studying these topics.

Several creationist/scientists come to mind when I recall where much of this learning has come about for me and I try to name them all in the following chapters.  I will not use footnotes but will give credit wherever it is due and when I quote someone I will list bibliography with the quote in parenthesis.  Should this work somehow come to be published in book form, I will reconsider notes at that time.  All of the writing in this book comes from my own words except where stated, and wherever facts and numbers can’t be explained using only my own words.

This manuscript is being published roughly as it is being written on my weblog;

 It will remain there as a work in progress and I will update it continually; This blog includes many of my other writings, essays and opinions that I have written over the last several years.  Feel free to view and comment at the blog.


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