Aliens are evil, fallen angels and they LIE

Aliens are demons.  They are the angels that followed Lucifer out of Heaven and the presence of God.  They are 100% EVIL.  They lie without ceasing and only tell the truth if it is to support a bigger lie such as a counterfeit bill LOOKS the same as the real thing and has "real" numbers and letters but is worthless.

Understand that in this dimension, we have L, W and H.  Just as a 2 dimensional stick man on a piece of paper can't see or understand the third dimension (height) and it makes no sense to him, we can't understand there being any other dimensions other than the one we are in with L, W, and Depth (or height)

Google the Tesseract.  There is a place online that you can play with one of these 3 dimensional representations of a four dimensional object to get an idea how things would appear if there were another dimension added to our own.

Modern science teaches us that there is only the observable universe and nothing more; if it can't be measured, it can't exist, but our intellect should tell us that there is much more; and there is.  Particle Physics teaches that mathematically, there are 11 dimensions.  Sting theory and superstring theory are cutting edge sciences which try to explain the why's and where's of who we are here in this dimension but the irony is that science forbids the dimension called Heaven; the place where our Creator resides.

When contemplating other dimensions, it is easy to imagine that there are worlds other than our own but without some sort of knowledge about those netherworlds, we can become confused.  If we know there are other dimensions and that there are beings (you call them aliens, I call them demons) then they would have an advantage over us, especially if they were able to access our dimension.

If they were hostile, they would even try to harm us or deceive us into believing that they  don't exist or perhaps that they are something other than what they truthfully are.  All of this makes perfect sense from a biblical standpoint.  What better way to defeat God's plan than to lull us along into a belief in extraterrestrials who are merely other (older and more intelligent) creatures who have "evolved" in the same way we did.

God created the heavens or the space in which we find ourselves.  Into that "space" there is woven an unseen dimension, if you will, called TIME and the two are inseparable.  When referring to one, we must include the other hence it is known as the time/space continuum.

Into the space, He put all things including stars and planets and He is actively "stretching out" this space which is observable and has been named the Expanding Universe.  Beyond space and time is where He dwells and there are worlds that we know nothing about.

What I am getting at is simply that understanding where we are going starts with understanding where we came from.  If you want to know where we came from, why not start with the book that tells the future with crystal clear accuracy; the one inspired by the God who made ALL of the worlds (Hebrews 1:2) Why not start in the BIBLE.

It is the only book written that doesn't have a copyright and the only one that is ALIVE.  It is the owners manual for the man who has questions about his origin and destiny.  It has proven itself to be 100% accurate in matters of prophecy and only God, Who is from Eternity could know the future before it happens because He is from Everlasting.

Read about how He has made atonement for the sin that we are all guilty of.  See what it cost Him to redeem us so that we wouldn't end up paying for our own sin.  Read the bible and see how DEEP the things of God are and how He will guide you through it to a knowledge of Himself through the help of the Holy Ghost if you will allow Him to do it.  He desires that all men come to the knowledge of the Grace of God through Jesus Christ.

Time is running short now.  The days of the age of Grace are coming to a close rapidly.  Soon it will be too late to avoid God's wrath and this is something that you should avoid at ALL cost.  It can be avoided by simply asking Him for forgiveness for your sins.  Know that you have sinned against God and tell Him you are sorry.  Tell Him you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and you will be saved not only from the horrors to come (shortly) but saved forever to live in Glory, Peace and Joy with God in His Kingdom, with Him where every child of His belongs.


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