To a nonconformist "Christian"

As the former capital of the free world caves in to bleeding heart liberalism, a rare winter thunderstorm complete with tornadoes blew through as if to announce that this symbolic celebration of iniquity disguised as "freedom of choice" for the fornicator and sodomite wasn't going unnoticed by the power that gave them all breath and heartbeat to announce their displeasure over being accountable.

The Christian faith is not a church or building or denomination.  Man has made those things.  If you were serious about your question, you would look for answers in places other than on a comment thread where your question is merely a criticism of something of which you have little understanding.

The two "religions" you have mentioned in your short ranting are two of the biggest CULTS in the world.  Yes, Roman Catholicism is a big cult.  You would understand these things if you would seek truth instead of lumping together the things you don't understand and then broad-brushing them with stamp of disapproval.

The reason they all have different messages and beliefs is because "narrow is the way to God and few find it".  Jesus Christ said that the gate to destruction is WIDE and many people find it but the gate to LIFE is narrow and few people find it.  What He said in the next verse is something that will answer your question as to why so many get it wrong.  He said "Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheeps clothing (which means they look like they are real and Godly and speak for Him but they don't)  Matthew 7:13-15

Why would Jesus put this verse right after saying that few people will find the right way?  Because THAT IS THE REASON that they will not find the right way!  They will be deceived by Mormons or Catholics or they will lump every false teacher into one group and deny all of it as you have done.

If you want Truth, you will have to search for it.  But, in order to search for it, you must DESIRE it.  The only people who desire TRUTH are those who KNOW they are being deceived.  YOU are being deceived.  Satan wants to keep you in the dark about how easy it is to be saved so he tells you that there is no such thing because there are so many that have gotten it wrong.  I have just proven to you that there are many who get it wrong but in so doing, I have shown you that there is POSITIVE TRUTH and it is real and it can save you.

If you want to do more than express your disfavor of the things of God on a comment thread before actually knowing anything about what you disfavor, then get a copy of the King James version of the bible. ( I recommend that version because it hasn't been CHANGED like the bible version "du jour" of which there is a version, it seems, for everyone.  Just stick to the tried and true version)

Start to read in the Book of Romans.  Read and ASK GOD for help understanding the text.  He will help you if you sincerely want to know TRUTH.

There is a very small group of people who understand who God is and they know Him and love Him and truly worship Him and desire Him.  I showed you where Jesus Himself said that the group is very small.  (Those very words preclude the biggest "religions" as being the ones who enter the narrow gate!)  They are the born again Christians who have sought Him diligently and He has answered them.  They are His True Church yet many (including myself) don't even go to a church building. Most churches don't preach the Truth in this age.  The truth is becoming more and more elusive as we approach the Day of the Lord (coming soon to a city near you!)


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