This picture was snapped by my daughter just last night April 6th 2015 as she and a friend walked along the beach of York River where it meets the Chesapeake Bay and when she looked at it this morning, she quickly emailed it to me.  I have been telling her about how another sun with planets and moons; virtually another solar system was coming into our own but I’m not so sure she has believed me.  I have used my welding glasses to look at the sun on clear days (when they allow us to view it without filthy-ing it up with their poison rotten chemtrails!) and I have not seen it yet, until now.  

This is the absolute proof for me.  Others will say “it’s a sun dog” or “it’s a lens flare” but I have seen and there are countless pictures of both of those phenomena and this is neither one of them!  This is the real thing and it satisfies my soul to get to see it.  It means that we truly are in the last days; the days for which all of the prophecy has been written.  God saw fit to put each and every one of us in the most unique time in the history of mankind!  We have front row seats to the end of days!!!  Don’t waste your seats! 

I have never doubted the existence of a “second sun” ever since the pictures have been bombarding us over the internet since 2010 and even before.  It seems that now, it is becoming public knowledge and soon it will have to be addressed by those who have been doing their best to cover it up.

The reason I believed it was true before I actually saw it is because it is written in the Word of God; not that we will see two suns but we see the beginnings of the things that are happening that will give rise to the prophecies themselves… ”And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and if fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wromwood: and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.”  Revelation 8:10-11

Every day we get closer to the prophecy’s fulfillment and every day, I get more and more excitetd to see my Creator coming in the clouds and with a voice like a trumpet saying “Come up hither!”  I have been praying for God to show me how close we are.  Since He is Truth, He will send no deception along with the Truth because there is no deception in Him.  It is the opposite with the world.  I have had to sift through the lies to get to the nuggest of truth that must be diligently searched out on the internet because we live in the age of deception.

I have written hundreds of pages about how close we are to the coming events that will shake the world to it’s core and the only way to get an idea or an imaginative glimpse into what it will be like is to read the prophecy that has been written about it.  It can be found scattered everywhere in Holy Writ and my advice is that you get a bible if you don’t have one and start to read it in the Gospel of John to get an understanding of what God expects from His people.  The main thing He wants is for us to get saved and if you believe in Him and that God raised Him from the grave, you will be saved.  But you can’t believe anything if you don’t look at the proof for yourself, just like anything else, why would you believe your friends and loved ones and work associates when they tell you their impression of what they think about Jesus Christ?  Why wouldn’t you look for yourself since it is rather important that you know in your heart one way or another…I mean, how foolish to be condemned to eternity in the Lake of Fire because of what somebody else believed!!!  READ FOR YOURSELF before it’s too late!!!

Can’t anyone see what’s going on?  Godlessness and paganism has taken over in just two generations and the whole world is contaminated with the hatred of God our Creator.  Can’t you see the world shaking and getting ready for something big?  Satanic forces are taking over!  Read Revelation 8-12 to get a flavor of what we are seeing the beginning of happening before our very eyes.  God has chosen a time for the end of His awesome offer of FREE salvation for anyone who believes in Him.

If you think about and pray to God and do truly believe in Him, that is Jesus Christ and that He came in the flesh of a man and willingly layed down His life and took it up again to pay the sins of whoever would confess them, then you will REPENT but you must be genuine.  The belief must be REAL and your sorrow for your sins against God must be REAL…then….you will be saved.  It is belief that leads to repentance and the Blood of Christ pays for our sins, every one of them.

But do it NOW.  The day of His FREE offer is going to close any time now.  What is going to happen is all that truly believe in Him (dead and alive) are going to hear a voice in the sky as a trumpet which will say “Come up hither”, and those who have died in Jesus Christ will be raised first and then we who are left alive who are born again, saved and in Christ will rise with them to meet the Lord in the air and thus shall we ever be with the Lord.  see 1 Thessalonians 4.

After that event, (known as the Rapture or the taking up of the Bride of Christ) the antichrist will step from behind the world stage and make his appearance.  Salvation will not be FREE anymore but you will have to “perform” if you want to be saved.  That is you can now be saved but then LOSE your salvation; something that a Christian in the age of Grace (right now) can’t do.  Our salvation is eternal and sealed and guaranteed.  But if you take the Mark of the Beast, which symbolizes your allegiance to Satan, you can not be saved and will burn in the Lake of Fire prepared for the devil and his angels forever and ever and the smoke of their torment will rise.  If you are saved and refuse the mark you will be….guess what……BEHEADED!!

Hmmm.  Where have I heard about Christians being beheaded recently?  EVERYWHERE!  It has only just begun so call on the Lord TODAY and ask Him to save your soul.  You must be diligent, no fakers will be saved for God knows our hearts.  Perhaps before asking to be saved, ask God for TRUTH and He will lead you in it if you are sincere.


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