
Showing posts from 2017


Acknowledgements: The technology to which we have access in this age has changed the lives of every person in one way or another whether they’re aware of it or not, and has made ordinary people into video production specialists, recording artists and published authors.  Never before in the recorded history of mankind has such ability been available to so many and we are presently seeing the effect of it on our culture in many different and astounding ways. This new technological luxury has allowed for the spread of information that was previously hidden away in obscure corners of libraries and dusty old bookstores for anyone who became interested in learning some new thing. What was previously a matter of physically making way to one of these book depositories to find information has now been made possible simply by a keystroke and a click of a mouse.  Suddenly, the average person can find whatever information he craves available in multiple media forms and in endless su...

Introduction for "Evolution: Fact or Fallacy?"

It is not difficult to see what is happening in our society, seemingly right before our very eyes and unless you have been living on a desert island for the last 30 years you have noticed a trend that is leading our decadent culture into the pit of moral decay.  This downward progression of morality within modern society can be traced back to a time before the dawn of the industrial revolution.  Prior to the twentieth century, and some time before, there was an abrupt change in our culture.  Mankind progressed from horseback transport to space travel within the span of only fifty years !  The very last of the horse drawn carriages in New York City disappeared circa 1920 and technology advanced during the half century proceeding to land a man on the moon. Most never stop to consider this fact but when making comparisons between now and then it becomes apparent that something most consequential happened in the largely unchanged world during that time and it is co...

Cognitive Dissonance

·          This denial of truth presents itself in a person’s conscience as a disconcerting ideal one holds deeply and often emotionally, a particular set of beliefs contrary to another which, despite in many cases, the other is the more logical of the two.  The more logical is many times rejected due to the uncomfortable nature associated with the radical changing of one’s thoughts in fact, very often entire worldviews must be suddenly reversed to recompense for the real truth. This is called Cognitive Dissonance and it is a fear that separates most people from most truth.  You can present the facts to them repeatedly even getting them to understand, but they won’t break the invisible and illogical barrier which has been preventing the truth from being embraced.  It happens in conversation that they will simply change the subject but a very discerning change is detectable in their facial expression the moment they understand.  They do t...

Ralph Church

I can't force my beliefs on you, I can only OFFER them. I have searched for TRUTH my entire life but didn't come to the Truth until I came to the end of MYSELF. I am a wicked and vile person whose heart is DESPERATELY wicked from sin and so is every person who has ever lived. Jeremiah 17:9 One day, I realized that there is nothing good in me and I reached out for understanding and for HELP. I needed a Savior. Jesus Christ my Creator came to me and cleansed me of my sins, past, present and future and He will do the same for you if you ask and truly desire the Truth of Life and follow wherever The Truth may lead. We all have but one life (And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:Hebrews 9:27) and I gave mine to Jesus Christ who is GOD. He created all things that are seen and unseen (Colossians 1:16) including you and me and the mouse in your attic and EVERY galaxy that exists. He will judge the world and those unbelievers (those who don't agree...

A Crash Course On Truth: Debunking the post-modern UFO phenomenon

The following was written earlier in an email as a guide and sent to someone who needed a crash course on TRUTH…so, I’ll call this… The continual report of curious UFO sightings is repetitive soft disclosure of the alleged extraterrestrial intelligence which has been gaining momentum since the late 40's with the Roswell NM UFO "crash" and is the brain child of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC).   Their agenda is to HIDE the Truth through deception and lies and they have been involved in this world-wide obfuscation of truth for centuries in order to create a new world order and a global government eventually deceiving the world into worship of the antichrist.  Here are the steps they have been taking (roughly and) somewhat in chronological order. 1.)   Create an "enlightened" society of intellectuals who disbelieve in The Creator and God Jesus Christ by proliferating the theory of evolution .         a.)...

These Days Are For The Christian To Get Busy Knowing Truth!

Most people scoff at me when I speak to them about what dominates my thoughts in this age.  They awkwardly change the subject when I point to the clouds and explain that the hazy conditions and long trails of what they call “ condensation ” (chemtrails) are MANMADE and the Military Industrial Complex is involved in a secret, and all-encompassing effort to control the weather by spraying heavy metal nano-particles (only God and they know what else) into the atmosphere blocking out the sun’s life-giving rays.  And although I’ve spent countless hours studying such things, people ridicule me.  They look at me sideways and squirm when I show them a weather map with Doppler Radar images clearly demonstrating the MIC’s HAARP activity in which “pinwheel” lines and concentric circles show unnaturally within the greens and blues of visible precipitation giving away their clandestine activity of using billions of watts of electromagnetic energy heating up the ionosphere there...